Notice: Beginning March 1st, 2024, the UBorrow search interface will no longer be supported. As part of the BIG10 Academic Alliance, we will continue to leverage the collections of the BIG10 university libraries to provide the fastest loans with the most convenient due dates. Searching the WorldCat catalog will yield results from the BIG10 libraries as well as libraries around the world. Interlibrary Services staff will continue to seek out lenders that can provide the best loan options for you.
Notice: Beginning March 1st, 2024, the UBorrow search interface will no longer be supported. As part of the BIG10 Academic Alliance, we will continue to leverage the collections of the BIG10 university libraries to provide the fastest loans with the most convenient due dates. Searching the WorldCat catalog will yield results from the BIG10 libraries as well as libraries around the world. Interlibrary Services staff will continue to seek out lenders that can provide the best loan options for you.
Michigan State University Libraries
Interlibrary Services
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Article Delivery

If you need an article or a book chapter we will scan it from the MSU print collection, or we send your request to other libraries around the world to provide a PDF. Scans are delivered to your ILLiad account.

  • Please include as much citation information as possible about the specific chapter or article being sought.
  • Requests may also be submitted by logging into your ILLiad account and selecting "New Requests" then 'Scan (Article/Book Chapter).'

Article Delivery Guidelines and Restrictions

  • MSU Copyright guidelines prohibit the Libraries from scanning multiple articles from the same issue of a journal or multiple chapters from the same book. In some instances we may allow multiple articles/chapters when they constitute less than 10 percent of the item.
  • Scans are for your personal use only. Scans are not to be shared or uploaded to D2L. For assistance with providing articles for a course please contact the MSU Libraries Course Materials department.
  • Only one scan per request form will be accepted. Multiple requests on a single form will cause processing delays.
  • If the MSU copy is unavailable at the time of the request we will arrange to obtain it from another library. This may add another 2-3 days before the request is fulfilled.
  • Articles and chapters will be posted electronically to your ILLiad account as a 300 dpi PDF file. These files will be available for 21 days and can be downloaded and saved.